EP1 – valuedriven introduction


EP1 - valuedriven introduction

TOPIC: Money-Driven versus Value-Driven

Nowadays, everybody is talking about money - how we can spend it, invest it, save it, etc. but we are missing the bigger picture.

It’s so important to have the right values and to have the right mentors to guide you through every step of the way. You could have all the money in the world, but lacking the fundamentals is going to drive you to failure over and over again.

I myself am a value-driven person, and this has proved to be true in many stages of my life: I dropped out of high-school because I felt I couldn’t use anything they taught me, I returned when I realized that it might not be such a bad idea to have an education, I got into the investment industry because I was always fascinated by it, I got out of every business that didn’t meet my values, and I eventually started educating people about the cryptocurrency world, a subject that I am very passionate about. Every step that I took was according to the fundamentals that I’ve developed over time, and sometimes I had to make difficult choices that respected my values.

In the end, if you want to achieve long-term success, you have to learn the principles of life, and the principles of business. Being successful is not about grinding, hustling and having millions in your bank account, but it’s more about becoming accomplished and fulfilled deep inside you, while securing a better future for yourself, through the actions you take.

Also, having people to look up to is really important, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to do the same things they did, in order to be successful. The secret is to guide yourself by your values and do the things that make you feel alive, peaceful, and make you feel that you achieved your purpose in life.

If you want to find out more about how you can live up to your values, check out the Value Driven Podcast, a show with interesting, successful people, that act according to powerful values.